The Scottish Government published a regeneration strategy, designed to help tackle local deprivation and poverty. It included details of a £50 million fund providing loans for regeneration projects. A Bill would come before the Scottish Parliament in 2013-14, making it easier for communities to take on ownership of unused and underused publicly owned assets.
Source: Achieving a Sustainable Future: Regeneration Strategy, Scottish Government
Links: Strategy | Scottish Government press release | BBC report
Date: 2011-Dec
A paper examined performance differences across local authorities in Scotland. Any shift to move average performance up to the top quartile could deliver significant savings.
Source: Lesley Sutton, Hume Occasional Paper 92, Performance Differences Across Local Authorities, David Hume Institute
Links: Paper
Date: 2011-Dec
An audit report in Scotland said that community planning partnerships needed to build on their economic development activity to help meet local needs. Partnerships should also make better use of available information and improve their understanding of the costs involved in delivering local economic priorities.
Source: The Role of Community Planning Partnerships in Economic Development, Audit Scotland
Links: Report | Audit Scotland press release
Date: 2011-Nov
A report examined the scope and nature of the outputs and longer-term outcomes that arose from town centre regeneration.
Source: Douglas Wheeler Associates Ltd, with Slims Consulting and Ryden Avril Blamey & Associates, Town Centre Regeneration: How Does It Work & What Can Be Achieved?, Scottish Government
Links: Report | Summary | Appendices
Date: 2011-Sep
An audit report in Scotland said that local councils were increasingly using arm's-length organizations as an alternative way of delivering services.
Source: Arm's-Length External Organisations (ALEOs): Are You Getting It Right?, Audit Scotland
Links: Report | Audit Scotland press release
Date: 2011-Jun
A report examined short- to medium-term outcomes for people who moved away from, and people who remained in, neighbourhoods experiencing major regeneration and demolition (based on a study in Glasgow, Scotland).
Source: Moving Out, Moving On? Short to medium term outcomes from relocation through regeneration in Glasgow, GoWell (Glasgow Centre for Population Health)
Links: Report
Date: 2011-May
An article examined an innovative subsidy designed to overcome barriers to housing provision in rural Scotland.
Source: James Morgan and Madhu Satsangi, '"Reaching the parts other grants don't go?" Supporting self-provided housing in Rural Scotland', Housing Studies, Volume 26 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-May
An article examined 'single outcome agreements' in Scotland – designed to deliver key national and local priorities based on a new relationship between central and local government. A positive link was found between the strength of existing community planning partnerships and partner engagement in the first year of development of the agreements.
Source: Jung Jin Park and Richard Kerley, 'Single outcome agreements and partnership working in Scottish local government – year one', Local Government Studies, Volume 37 Number 1
Links: Article
Date: 2011-Mar
A paper examined the key challenges, opportunities, and priorities for regeneration policy in Scotland. Despite some progress, there were persistent problems associated with poverty and deprivation.
Source: Building a Sustainable Future: Regeneration discussion paper, Scottish Government
Links: Paper | Scottish Government press release
Date: 2011-Feb
An article examined the factors that influenced community mental health and well-being, based on a study of a low-income community in east Glasgow (Scotland). It considered how to develop partnerships to address the issues involved.
Source: Neil Quinn and Hannah Biggs, 'Creating partnerships to improve community mental health and well-being in an area of high deprivation: lessons from a study with highrise flat residents in east Glasgow', Journal of Public Mental Health, Volume 9 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jan